Is your life the opposite of financially fantastic? Do you dread to open the mailbox every day because you know that you’ll see bills that you just can’t afford to pay and might even be afraid to open?
Do you wish more than anything that you could feel the freedom of getting out of debt, but feel that it seems nearly impossible given your current household financial state?
Maybe you just need additional tools to help you continue to become financially successful.
Enter the Wealthy Living Workbook. This is not just a book, but a workbook that guides you to start from the inside out and honor your own ability to discern and make choices based on what is important to you.
Sound easy? It is just that easy, yet human nature and our culture make this process seem just that hard as well.
That is why the workbook is such a great idea. The Wealthy Living Workbook by Bethany Drosendahl is filled with skills, tools and enlightening exercises that will show you that you can get exactly where you wish to be financially.
You can work your way out of debt, and you can have all of the things that you’d like to have that are important to you.
Really? Is that actually possible?
Yes. This workbook has been designed and written to help you achieve exactly that!
How Does the Workbook Help You?
The workbook includes simple and practical economic and financial tools which are broken into four main sections. You will be guided through:
Exploring your beliefs
Developing your skills
Clarifying your values
Honoring your integrity
You will learn how to take responsibility for your choices in making money, spending money, and saving money. Through this process you can create a healthy relationship with your money.
Isn’t it time?